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2020 Highlights of the Activities for UNFPA Liaison Office to the African Union and ECA

2020 Highlights of the Activities for UNFPA Liaison Office to the African Union and ECA
2020 Highlights of the Activities for UNFPA Liaison Office to the African Union and ECA


UNFPA Liaison Office to the African Union and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

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UNFPA Liaison Office to the African Union and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa


2020 Highlights of the Activities for UNFPA Liaison Office to the African Union and ECA

Publication date

01 February 2021

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Following the historic Nairobi Summit that was held in 2019 to commemorate ICPD25, UNFPA began the year 2020 with a renewed commitment to deliver on our promises to women and girls toward meeting three zeros by 2030, the same deadline for accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goals: zero unmet need for family planning; zero preventable maternal deaths; and zero gender-based violence and harmful practices, including child marriage and female genital mutilation. However, a few months into the year, the world faced an unprecedented crisis like no other before, the COVID-19 pandemic hit globally. The pandemic exacerbated already existing inequalities of vulnerable populations including women and girls, a threatening to roll back hard-earned gains on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment. In light of this ongoing COVID-19 crisis, UNFPA's Liaison Office to the AU and ECA resorted to hosting most its planned high-level events online in a move to assist ongoing efforts to curb the spread of the virus. The Liaison Office also continued to actively engage stakeholders such as young people, governments, intergovernmental organizations, civil society organizations, traditional and religious leaders, academia and international development partners in crafting policies and programs that ensured that women and girls are not left behind in the Decade of Action. The events that took place can be accessed on our social media platforms on YouTube, twitter and Facebook.

All our event videos can be accessed HERE